#marcy long
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elvishdemigod · 7 months ago
I need fanfics where SoSu is replaced with companions.
Like MacCready went to get the cure for his son, but when he got home, Duncan was completely gone, and whoever he left them with tells him Duncan just vanished into thin air.
Or Piper. Nat is missing and she's freaking out because she has a gut feeling it was actually the Institute, which would make her grudge against McDonough even more impactful.
Or maybe, even Jun and Marcy Long refusing to give up finding where their son is. Two dedicated parents willing to go to the ends of the earth to find their son.
Of course that'd have to give the Institute a reason to kidnap the kid. And would Sole still have seen their spouse get shot, their baby taken, and Shaun become leader? Or will it be someone else?
And what would any of these characters do in their place? How would they get to the Institute? Act with the Railroad? How would they find out about the teleportation? Would Kellogg still have been the one to affect them?
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slocum-dodson · 8 months ago
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twosides--samecoin · 2 years ago
Commonwealth Portraits 1
Jun Long
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"Some days are harder than others, but even the hard days get easier than the one before."
Starting a Commonwealth portrait series to anchor myself in something creative. I've been dealing with a lot of depression lately and have felt cut off from community and making art. So here is Jun Long - a character frequently passed over because he and Marcy mourn their child in ways that players seem to find annoying or inconvenient. I've seen mods that seek to fix one or both of them, but I think they're a realistic representation of loss and moving on. It can be difficult to put on a brave face - and why should they, to make others happy? To compartmentalize and partition their worst moments away for the player, when they just made it back from Quincy? People don't go through hard times to inconvenience others - let alone poor Jun; barely able to string together a sentence when you meet him in Concord, reeling from the loss of his child. However, later on in the game, if you cross paths with him in Sanctuary, he will sometimes give an indication he's picking up the pieces - along with the slightest smile you ever did see.
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raphael2054 · 1 month ago
I think the Longs broke up in my playthrough. When I originally rebuilt Sanctuary, I gave them a house and assigned them each to a bed there. But I just recently noticed that Marcy has taken up sleeping in a bed in a completely different house down the road.
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sassenashsworld · 1 year ago
Marcy : She’s a fucking psychopath!!
Sturges : Calm down, calm down! What’s going on... again?
Marcy : She decorate my house!
Sturges : That’s nice
Marcy: She put Teddy bears EVERYWHERE!
Sturges : It’s cute
Marcy : Teddy bears who drink, who use drugs, who stab themselves! There is a giant Teddy bear that swallowed corpses on my roof and two Teddy bears that make se... somersaults next to my bed!
Sturges: ...
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felixyndicalism · 1 year ago
not trying to instigate anything, buuuuuuuuuut... if marcy long was male and jun long was female, i feel like they wouldn't receive as much hate
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smokeyxpixels · 2 years ago
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Protect the people at a minute's notice.....we could hardly protect ourselves.
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fallout-terminals · 2 years ago
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Day two out of the Vault: An early cold snap killed the gourd vines weeks ago, and the fruit rotted, leading to a breaking point for the already starving Marcy.
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orange-coloredsky-archive · 2 years ago
idk. i feel like theres some nuance to be had about preston & marcy long in a similar light. being annoyed by preston's presentation in the game is a perfectly fine thing in my book. another example of "i like this (character), but theyre not a good (character)". i do this with both preston and x6. you dont have to go into how preston is actually secretly a well written groundbreaking character to like him. its fine.
being discomforted by and not wanting to engage bethesda's horrible execution of characters of color & WOMAN characters of color specifically is like. a totally understandable perspective as well. marcy long in-game pisses me off and makes me sad because shes a piss poor characterization written by a bunch of white men who probably only thought "haha what if we made this person who survived a tragedy a total bitch haha wouldnt that be funny and edgy" when they decided on anything about her. it sucks and makes me feel bad.
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willinglyghoulified · 2 years ago
I just love the idea of Sole letting "Shaun" spend time with Marcy and Jun. He could help Jun scrap or learn how to patrol town, or he could help Marcy pick vegetables or dry herbs for the town's community pantry. I love the idea of Sole wanting him to have a healthy relationship with their friends and neighbors, and to let Marcy and Jun interact with a child again. Maybe inspire them to try to have one of their own again.
"Aunt Marcy and Uncle Jun" T_T Yessssss.
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piedpip3rrr · 5 months ago
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What is this? A crossover episode???
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slocum-dodson · 4 months ago
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Here is our dearest girl, Marcy Long, modeling a reclaimed set of armor from a gunner she murdered herself. As a gift of valor, the armor was repainted and fitted for her. She looks much more at home in it now, doesn't she, friends?
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sassenashsworld · 11 months ago
Marcy : Can you come manage the situation???
Preston : No
Marcy : But it's your job!
Preston : Ask Nora
Marcy : Why?
Preston : Because my boots are glued to the platform...
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anura-the-third · 4 months ago
AMPHIBIA FANDOM I CALL UPON THEE. Are we still here? Because I'm not over the concept art giving us a Witchy, "Lady of the Crows" Marcy Wu.
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rainy-arcade · 6 days ago
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Calamity Trio
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hancocksspouse · 2 years ago
Oooohh I like you.
8. “I can’t breathe...”
Doll knew the wasteland wasn’t a nice place or even a good place for that matter. Everything around her kept her grounded and aware of that fact and despite her best efforts, it overwhelmed her often. She just got good at hiding it.
Most days.
Some days were a lot harder than others, given the circumstances.
It wasn’t the overwhelming smell of gun powder and blood and burned flesh that overwhelmed her this time. Not the spots in her vision or the aches racking her body or even the sound of Hancock calling her name over and over while the smoke cleared up. It was the crying.
The crying of a baby.
The raiders they had taken out had killed a couple that holed up in the remains of an old house and either didn’t know about the baby or they stepped in just in time to save it but the sight of the young couple dead on the floor didn’t hit her in the same manner the cries of the infant in the crib at the end of the room did. The tight clench in her throat and sudden tunnel vision kept her from responding to Hancock’s screams of her name as she stared ahead at the squirming, upset child whose poor ears were probably ringing and hurting.
“Doll! Where are you?!” The sound of Hancock’s boots thumping down the hall behind her registers just enough for her to frantically grab at the air behind her until the movement draws his attention and he comes rushing to her quickly, her arm grabbing the side of his jacket while he leans forward to brace her before she falls.
“Hey hey hey, what’s up, sister? What happened? Didn’t you he-“, but his sentence is cut short when he realizes what he’s hearing and his face drops as he looks down at Doll. She’s leaning more and more back into him, her arm bent back still clutching the side of his jacket and he’s able to holster his shotgun quickly enough to wrap an arm around her, bracing her as her breathing begins to quicken and her eyes water.
“It’s okay, Doll. I’m here, I promise”
“Hancock, I can’t breathe”, she whimpers out, her breathing fading into hyperventilation. He gently lowers them both to the floor and leans his face to hers.
“Hey hey hey. Doll. I need you to listen to me, okay? Can you hear me? Nod if you can hear me”, he asks. She manages to swallow in between the panicked breaths and nods rapidly as he takes her hand.
“Alright, good. Now, I want you to copy me as best you can, alright? Take your time if you need to but copy me”. He begins to taking deep, slow breaths, his chest rising against her back.
“I-I can’t! Th-the baby-!”
“Doll, you can’t help the kid like this”, he firmly tells her. “Now. Copy me”. He takes another long deep breath as she squeezes his hand, her breath stuttering as she tries to do the same. “There ya go. Real deep in thru the nose and then out thru the mouth”, he encourages her, prompting her to copy him.
She begins to settle slowly, her breathing evening out with his and she closes her eyes for a minute as she comes down, tear tracks drying down her face. His thumb rubs gently over the top of her hand.
“There ya go, Doll. You’re okay”, he says against her hair. “We’re gonna get up now, alright?”
“Okay”, she whimpers out and he slowly rises, bringing her up with him and helping her maintain her balance. Hancock’s eyes go from her to the crib and he frowns.
“Do you want me to get the kid or do you think you can?” He asks. “I’m not gonna assume you’re gonna wanna carry ‘em”.
The palms of her gloves wipe over her eyes as she sniffles and she shakes her head.
“I can carry them”, she says back, not waiting for his response as she approaches the crib and peers down at the upset infant, no older than Shaun was the day the bombs fell. On instinct, she leans over the crib and tucks the blanket around the child before bringing them up to her and cradling them to her chest, gently rocking them.
“I know, honey. I’m so sorry”, she murmurs quietly. “That was a lot, wasn’t it, sweetie?”
Any other time, the scene in front of him would melt Hancock’s heart, watching Doll coddle and coo at a child but this…
This was heart breaking, watching her try to comfort the screaming kid in front of the bodies of it’s parents while trying to keep herself together as well. A thick jacket sits draped over the chair in the room and he grabs it, carefully resting it over the baby. Doll looks up at him and he looks back.
“Kid should have something from their parents, even if they won’t remember this…”, he sadly whispers.
They make it back to Sanctuary by the time the sun sets and an anxiety rises in Doll’s throat. Normally, the arrival of a child is something to celebrate, but the circumstances are anything but and the request she’s about to make doesn’t make her feel any better when she looks around and sees Marcy and Jun beneath the driveway, heading for the crops.��
A guilt rises in her and she has to swallow down oncoming tears for a moment before she can even continue walking. By now, the child is fast asleep, swaddled up in their blanket and parent’s jacket and she looks down at their unconscious face for a moment. 
“It doesn’t feel right, Hancock”, she says, looking up at him. “They’ve already lost their child and now...”, but she stops. Hancock gently rests his hand on her shoulder, his thumb rubbing comforting circles on it.
“You’re not pawnin’ the kid of on ‘em”, he says. “This place has plenty of people that can help pitch in. Hell, you can still help too when you’re here. But they’ve got the most experience with children. You’re not a bad person for wantin’ to make sure this kid gets a fightin’ chance. I’ve heard it takes a village, anyway”, he says, offering a small smile. “I don’t doubt the people you’ve gathered here would have no problem helpin’ out, Doll.”
She looks down at the sleeping child in her arms and takes a deep breath before looking up ahead of her, eyes scanning the area until they land on two figures, toiling in the gardens. 
She’s slow in her steps, not wanting to approach to quick and cause alarm and she almost can’t find her voice the closer she gets but she swallows down her anxiety.
“Marcy, Jun”, she says, grabbing their attention. Jun is the first to turn and look up before seeing the swaddled child in her arms and she can see the sudden clench in his throat. Marcy stands, not turning to look.
“What is it? We’re busy with-“ but when Jun rests his hand against her shoulder with a firm squeeze, she stops and turns as well, going silent.
“I…I know I have…no right to be asking what I’m about to. And I know it’s not fair but…their parents…”. Doll struggles, seeing the clear internal struggle in both of them. “They didn’t make it…and I couldn’t leave them behind. I’m not asking you to be the only ones to care for them but…you know what you’re doing and they deserve a shot. Please.”
The lump Jun swallows is almost audible and Doll feels…
The clench in Marcy’s jaw is not of anger. It’s one of hurt and she remains still for a moment before slowly approaching and pulling back the blanket from the child’s sleeping face. Her eyes water and she quickly wipes them before gently taking the child from her arms.
“Anything you need, I’ll get. I…I can even offer you Shaun’s crib. It’s still sturdy”, she says, watching her gently rock the child. Jun’s eyes overflow but he wipes them as he stands beside his wife and looks over the child.
“We would appreciate that”, he gently says, wrapping an arm around his wife as they head inside.
Doll watches them go in together with the child and she simply stands silently while the sun disappears and the moon makes itself known.
“You saved that kid, ya know”, Hancock says, coming to her side. “And who knows. Maybe in a way, you saved them, too”.
She says nothing as he wraps an arm around her and leads her back to her own house.
“Don’t worry, Doll. I’ll move the crib for ya”, he says, gently herding her to her room.
He shakes his head.
“You’ve done your part for the day. You need the rest”
And for once, she quietly admits defeat.
Yeeeee. That clears up at least one more draft in the stack of 15 I’ve got 😂
But I hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know what you think!
-Hancock’s Spouse
Assorted prompts #4
1.“It’s just a bad dream. I’ve got you, it’s okay.”        
2. “I wish that I never had met you.”    
3.“It’s so cold.”
“You need to hold on a bit longer, you are going to be fine. Just stay awake a little longer.”  
4.“Roses are red, violets are blue- ow. Fuck you!”      
5.“They have grown so much, it’s hard to believe  how little they used to be.”
6.“Have you stolen my shirt?”  
7.“Stop lying to me!”    
8.“I can’t breathe.”        
9.“Okay, start from the beginning, you lost me  right after you said that you punched someone.”
“That was the first thing that I said.”
10.“I  want another baby.”
11.“I  never want you to feel like you are alone.”            
12.“You  are the worst mistake I have ever made.”        
13.  “Where  am I?”            
14.  “Are  you day drinking?”
“It’s apple juice, not whiskey.”          
15.  “Say  goodbye to mama and papa, they’ll be back soon.”
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